In the context of a cross-border activity, an employee may encounter specific problems that require a personalised response. EURES Greater Region, via its Working & Living website, informs you of the procedures and legislation in effect in the territories of the Greater Region. Don’t hesitate to consult the brochures or contact a EURES Grand Region advisor if you would like information on labour law, social protection and taxation.
What can EURES do for you?
In order to provide answers to problems faced by workers in a cross-border area, we offer you free practical and legal information in areas related with cross-border professional mobility.
Are you a cross-border worker or are you considering becoming one? Our partner Frontaliers Grand Est provides you top quality information, informing you of labour law, taxation and social protection, free of charge, in order to facilitate your procedures.
The EURES advisors of the EURES Greater Region partner organisations are there to provide you any answers requiring second-level expertise regarding their fields.
Other resources
Frontaliers Task Force
At the following link you will find the proposed solutions developed by the Frontaliers Task Force:
You can also report an obstacle to mobility via the following contact link:
Service for Equal Treatment of EU Workers
On this website you will find information on the free movement of EU workers in Germany.
Video resources
Need more information about your situation?
Our partner CRD \ EURES Frontaliers Grand Est is ready to provide you with a first level of information, free of charge!
Contact Frontaliers Grand Est